Where Healthy bees live

Welcome to Bee Free Honey Farm

Products & Services

Nuc’s + Honey + Swarms + Pollen + Propolis + Queen Bees


Nucleus colonies for beekeepers starting or expanding their apiary with strong, thriving bees.

Honey Products

Pure, raw honey and a variety of honey-based products for health and culinary use.

A close up of bees on a pizza crust


Complimentary Swarm removal with bee preservation

A person wearing gloves and holding a yellow comb.


Local pollen refers to pollen grains that are produced by plants within a specific geographical area. These pollen grains are typically collected by bees as they forage for necter and pollen to feed their colonies.


Propolis plays a crucial role in maintaining the health and integrity of the bee hives, while also holding potential benefits for human health and wellness.

Queen Bees

Premium quality queen bees for beekeepers who want healthy and productive colonies.

Our Expertise Lies In

Why Choose Bee Free Honey Farm

Healthy Bee Focus

We prioritize the well-being of our bees, ensuring they are healthy and thriving to produce the best honey.

Quality Assurance

Our products undergo strict quality control measures to deliver only the finest honey and bee-related goods.

Environmental Advocacy

Committed to sustainable beekeeping practices, promoting biodiversity and protecting our precious pollinators.

Our Story

About Us

Bee Free Honey Farm is a local New Mexico bee business dedicated to the well-being of bees, offering quality bees, nucs, honey products and sustainable practices.

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